Since 1991 we are a testing laboratory accredited (n. 00024) according to EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard. For more information, you can download the accreditation certificate and the list of accredited tests for the operating sites of:
San Giovanni al Natisone, via Antica 24/3
Lissone accredited tests
In 2014 CATAS has been the first Italian certification body to be accredited according to EN ISO/IEC 17065 (n. 215B) for the activities in the field of formaldehyde emission from wood based panels according to the CARB certification procedures.
Here you can download the accreditation certificate issued by Accredia.
ACCREDIA ensures the fairness and reliability of the test reports and certifications issued by the accredited laboratories or certification bodies by evaluating the technical competence and professional integrity of their personnel and also by assessing the conformity of all the procedures adopted in their testing or certification activities.
The international value of the accreditation derives by the Accredia membership to EA (European Cooperation for Accreditation) and also by the subscription of the IAF (International Accreditation Forum) and ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) agreements.
Accredia recalls that the content of test reports remains the responsibility of the laboratory as the presence of its logo or any reference to the accreditation does not give any responsibility to the accreditation body on its content and consequently on samples or products tested. Also for this reason, the use of the Accredia brand is only limited to reports relating to accredited tests and it cannot be used differently, for example onto the tested products.
The national and international acknowledgements allowed us to grow and to develop into different areas, becoming a very broad technical reference point for all our customers.