
21. 07. 2017


An update on the handling of dangerous goods.

Among the numerous Catas activities, one of the least known is probablty the assistance to companies on environmental and safety issues that cover various aspects also related to tender and contract specifications.

This article briefly summmarize an important update on the transport of dangerous goods which, although marginal, may also affect some of our customers considering the wide range of sectors to which Catas offers its services.

From July 1st, the 2017 version of the ADR, Agreement on the movement of Dangerous Goods is in force. The aim of the ADR biennial updating is to adapt procedures and provisions to the general technical and regulatory developments. For this reason, for example, we find a wider frame of reference for electrical vehicles, engines and machineries powered with batteries (hybrid vehicles).

Among the various provisions covering the entire spectrum of activities related to the transport of dangerous goods, which include packaging, filling, loading, unloading, we would like to underline some new prescriptions for the subjects whose activities contribute to the success of transport: loaders and fillers.

The loaders, after charging dangerous goods inside a container, must now comply with the provisions concerning plating, marking and orange panels in accordance with Chapter 5.3 ADR. The loaders will be also responsible for the plating, marking and placement of the planned orange paneling on the vehicles.

The new prescriptions regarding the filler tasks now require that, during the preparation of dangerous goods for the purpose of transport, plates, markings, orange panels and labels must be affixed to the tanks, vehicles and containers for the Bulk transport in accordance with Chapter 5.3 of the ADR.

As far as the ADR safety adviser is concerned, as described in ADR, the role and the obligation of training are emphasized in relation to packing and filling of packages containing dangerous substances, which must be also checked with a specific exam.

For more information visit the following link: European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road.