
09. 01. 2017


CATAS Academy: an answer to the growing technical training demand in the wood and furniture industry.

CATAS has always engaged in the training and dissemination of technical knowledge towards companies operating in the wood and furniture sector and other related fields. 

The competence and knowledge gained during over 40 years of testing activities on materials, components and finished products allows us to cover a broad thematic range in this field.

During 2016 we organized more than thirty training programs with the contribution of our experts technicians. Many of them were on-demand technical courses we customized for each individual company in order to meet specific needs of knowledge or update for internal staff (production, quality control, purchasing or even technical sales employees).

In this case, the most frequent requests were related to mechanical safety and durability requirements and related test methods for specific kind of products (seatings, storage units) and for different uses (domestic, contract, office) or the classification and characterization of raw materials and components (panels, adhesives, coatings) used in critical processes.

Most of the time, training courses were be held at CATAS Labs by giving the opportunity to observe in practice the test methods that we apply every day in order to measure performances, to verify requirements, to reproduce or simulate defects.

CATAS believes and invests with continuity also in the training of students and researchers. We have established important partnerships with some technical secondary schools that trained the technicians for the wood and furniture industry and some scientific universities, especially as regards the use of laboratories and the implementation of a technological thesis -scientific.

If your are interested in specific technical training programmes, give a look to CATAS Academy offer and do not hesitate to contact us.
We can also set up personalized training programs on individual topics of particular interest defined together on the basis of your needs.

Download CATAS Academy catalogue.