
25. 11. 2019


CATAS has been approved by the American association SEFA

The Board of Directors of SEFA - Scientific Equipment and Furniture Association  has approved CATAS as SEFA Test Lab and included it in the official list present at its website at the following link.
The SEFA association has the mission of promoting the use of furniture and equipment for laboratories (i.e.: benches, hoods, cabinets and chairs) with verified technical performances and safety requirements.
For the testing and qualification of this kind of products specific test protocols and technical performance requirements have been defined and published, on the basis of the reference standards for the US and European markets.
As we know the Italian and European manufacturers of this sector are familiar with this kind of documents. Now in addition they can count on the technical support of a third-party laboratory, able to assist producers along the product conformity assessment process and recognized for its competence and capacity directly from the sectorial reference association in the United States.
In particular CATAS has been approved for the protocols concerning the assessment of the performance of the worktops surfaces, the safety and strength of cabinets, tables and laboratory benches.
Following this important recognition, CATAS immediately activated a study of the required technical specifications, of the technical-organizational feasibility for the test activities so it is now operatively ready to answer to the requests coming from the interested companies.

For info: 
Andrea Giavon
+39 0432 747230
[email protected]