
25. 11. 2019


CATAS has been recognized for the certification of PVC windows according RAL-GZ 716

The PVC windows are rapidly acquiring market shares also in Italy, now representing over a third of all those sold (base year 2018).
In other countries, above all in Germany, these shares are even greater (around 60%) with further growth prospects in many areas of the world.

In this situation of strong demand and significant diversified offer, already in 1979 the German association Gütegemeinschaft Kunststoff-Fensterprofilsysteme e.V. has defined the guidelines for PVC windows and for its components to guarantee the quality of these products for the final users.
The guidelines were declared approved by the RAL Deutsche Institut für Gütesicherung und Kennzeichnung which then authorized Gütegemeinschaft to grant the RAL-GZ 716 quality mark to the PVC window system.

The "window system" certification includes profiles, polymeric foils, adhesives and processes dedicated to the production of PVC windows.
To obtain the RAL quality mark, candidates (companies producing raw materials or window profiles) must meet the quality requirements defined by the RAL-GZ 716 regulation and its technical appendix.
Verification of compliance with these quality criteria is provided by external bodies with regular tests and quality audits.
RAL Gütegemeinschaft and CATAS have recently signed a collaboration agreement concerning the certification of PVC window systems.
The Gutegemeinschaft quality committee has therefore authorized CATAS to carry out product audits and tests according to the RAL-GZ 716 regulation with its technical appendix.

Some Italian companies have already asked CATAS for these activities that have been effectively carried out with the undoubted advantages deriving from the possibility of cooperating with an Italian expert laboratory both including the execution of the tests the certification activity.

For info:
Franco Bulian
+39 0432 747231
[email protected]

Claudio Caon
+39 0432 747224
[email protected]