
19. 05. 2020


CATAS’s material testing department: new ideas in progress!

In this emergency period, the activities of CATAS mechanical testing department have been very slow down but never stopped in terms of tests and ideas to propose to the companies involved in the wood and furniture sector.
Computer experts love to call "software" the most noble part of the computer; as testing lab seems more correct to call it: "laboratory of ideas".
Into the specific:
- #idea1 "Wood-based panels: formaldehyde VS mechanical performances".
Our technicians, in collaboration with the University of Udine as part of a three-year degree thesis, are about to start a characterization activity that aims to compare the mechanical performances of wood-based panels with different formaldehyde emissions. In particular, the goal is to compare the mechanical performance of class E1 panels with CARB EPA panels.
- #idea2: "Non-structural wood adhesives for exterior use: a standard classification".
Our experts regularly participate in the national (UNICHIM) and European (CEN) standardization working groups related to the non-structural wood adhesives sector. At European level, on a proposal from Italy and therefore also from CATAS. For some years now a standard has been under study, it will fill a standardization lack.
This technical document will classify wood adhesives for non-structural timber products for exterior uses. The document was completed by the competent working group in April of this year. In the next months it will be submitted to the process of public investigation, review, etc. before the official publication which will hopefully occur by the end of next year
- #idea3: "Gluing strength of wood adhesives: the EN standard is coming soon".
Remaining in the European standardization wood adhesive sector, also in this case on an Italian proposal and therefore also from CATAS, a second document will be published with the same scheduling time described in the previous point. This is a standard historically used to characterize the adhesives used for gluing wooden chairs.
Experts of this sector known this standard simply as “ISO 6238” others as “gluing strength”.
The Working Group 12 of CEN/TC 193/SC 1 decided to cover this other European standardization lack implementing the study of a method based on ISO standard and other similar American specifications (ASTM).
We really hope that the “realization” of these technical #ideas could be a support for the companies involved in these specifics sectors.

For information:
Paolo Tirelli
+39 0432 747246
[email protected]