
19. 04. 2017


Ergonomics for the furniture design

Tags: Ergonomics

CATAS and the English FIRA (Furniture Industry Research Association) Ergonomics Unit work jointly to the ergonomics evaluation and certification in the furniture industry.

A joint protocol can be carried out at CATAS lab under the supervision and with the consultancy of Mr. Levent Çaglar, Senior Ergonomist at FIRA UK.

This protocol involves:
  • dimensional assessment of the product, according to European standards, if available for the product;
  • verification of safety, strength and durability of the product, according to the requirements provided by EN standards;
  • user trials with real user panels: observation of the product in real use, questionnaires about comfort and measurement of the pressure distribution using pressure imaging sensors;
  • ergonomic assessment by the senior ergonomist;
  • issue of the ergonomics certificate based on International standards.

For more info please contact:

Annamaria Franz
Tel. (+39) 0432 747241