A few days after the opening of the new Furniture laboratory, we immediately had the opportunity to start using the new large meeting room located in the mezzanine of the building by hosting the
meeting of the Working Group 9 "Test methods" of the European Technical standardization Committee, TC 207 “Furniture”.The meeting involved
16 experts coming from 7 European countries, who during two days of work developed an agenda including, among other topics, the role of the CEN technical committee in the standardization concerning the
electrified furniture and the need to revise and update some standard documents, in order to take into account the most recent anthropometric data relating to the European population.
Catas technicians have been dealing with the standardization activities for more than 30 years at national, European and international level on all the main topics concerning furniture and materials used in the furniture sector.
The experience gained over the years places our representatives as reference points for the other European colleagues. Their competence, combined with the great technological capacity of our laboratory and the availability of our Engineering department to provide support in identifying the most appropriate technical solutions for the practical implementation of the proposed test methods, has always made Catas a favorite destination for the periodicals meetings of the standardization groups in which we are involved.