
30. 10. 2024


Extra 12 months for implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EU) 2023/1115 (EUDR)

Given feedback received, the Commission proposes to give stakeholders additional time to prepare for the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2023/1115 also known by its acronym EUDR.
If approved by the European Parliament and the Council, it would make the law applicable on 30 December 2025 for large companies and 30 June 2026 for micro and small enterprises.
Since all the implementation tools are technically ready, the extra 12 months can serve as a phasing-in period to ensure proper and effective implementation.
Given the EUDR's novel character and the variety of international stakeholders involved, the Commission considers that a 12-month additional time to phase in the system is a balanced solution to support operators around the world in securing a smooth implementation from the start.
The Commission has published further guidance documents that can be found at the following links:

Below is the link to the European Commission's page with the press release announcing the postponement proposal:

For info:
Paolo Tirelli
+39 0432 747246
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