
21. 07. 2017


Formaldehyde: CATAS officially approved by the US

Tags: Indoor emissions, CARB EPA, Formaldehyde

On Wednesday 12th July, the application for the recognition of CATAS by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been approved.

CATAS then joined the Third Party Certifier (TPC) list officially authorized by the American agency for the certification of formaldehyde emission from wood based panels, as published within the EPA website at the following link:

Recognized Third-Party Certifiers under the Formaldehyde Emission Standards for Composite Wood Products Rule

The Title VI TSCA federal law, which extends to the United States all the obligations currently in force in California, is going to come in force very early, being the 12th December 2017 the official starting date.

CATAS is therefore ready to face this new challenge alongside the panel manufacturers, a fundamental part of the entire furniture sector in Italy and abroad.

Sandro Ciroi
phone: +39 0432 747235
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