
23. 03. 2017


Guidance on biocides legislation – Efficacy: assessment and evaluation

Wood preservatives belong to the product type PT8 of the Biocidal Products Regulation (EU n. 528/2012), which regulates the authorisation of biocidal products in the European market.

The applicant, who aims to obtain the authorization to place a biocidal product in the European market, needs to submit data to substantiate the label claims and intended uses. Label claims are a central issue in the assessment of efficacy.

Last October 2016, on initiative of CEN TC38 (Durability of wood and wood based materials) CATAS held a workshop that was aimed to provide a forum for discussion among standardisation experts, wood preservatives producers and regulatory bodies, on the critical aspects for the compliance of wood preservative products to the European Regulation EU528/2012, related to the efficacy requirements and on the basis of the many standards issued by CEN TC38 over the years.

 A parallel work, initiated several years ago with also the contribution of experts in wood preservation, resulted in a comprehensive document, which has been recently revised and made available in the website of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA): Guidance on the BPR - Volume II Efficacy Part B+C, February 2017 and which gives guidance on the efficacy requirements of biocidal products.

Chapter 5.5.8 of this Guidance is specific to Wood Preservatives (PT8), listing the available test methods and efficacy requirements for the claimed target organisms and uses.

Useful information on the chemical and physical characterisation of biocides, as well as on the assesment of their effects on human health and the environment, are prsented in other parts of the document.

The link to the document is given below.

Download the full document: Guidance on the BPR - Volume II Efficacy Part B+C


Dr Elena Conti

phone: +39 0432747219
