
31. 05. 2018


Upholstered furniture for San Francisco

From 1-01-2019 a ban will be placed on the sale in the City and in the County of San Francisco of upholstered furniture intended for domestic use containing flame retardant chemicals with a level above 1,000 parts per million (1,000 ppm).

The upholstered furniture not included in this arrangement are:
  • those compliant with Technical Bulletin 133, a requirement contained in certain contract sector activities;
  • those used exclusively outdoors;
  • mattresses, pillows and upholstered items for the beds.
 Childcare articles are also treated as domestic upholstered furniture.

Contrary to the provisions in the remaining California territory, ie the obligation for producers to declare whether or not domestic upholstered furniture contains such substances (see extract of CATAS News No. 4 of 2014 here), in San Francisco County the measures are more restrictive and therefore in the specific label, to be applied to upholstered furniture, only the lettering "Contain NO added flame retardant chemicals" must be crossed.

This labeling is not retroactive; in fact the upholstered furniture produced before 1-01-2015 can be sold without this label.

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For info:
Franco Prete
+39 0432 747221