
26. 07. 2018


News for the fire reaction

The producers of materials approved according to art. 8 of the D.M. 26-06-1984 received in the last weeks two communications from the Italian Home Office

- the first dated 10-07-2018, concerning the certification requests for the purposes of ministerial approval (Article 8);

- the second dated 17-07-2018, concerning the certification requests not for the purposes of ministerial approval (article 10 of the D.M. 26-06-1984).

In practice, the Home Office informs companies that if they intend to commission the certification of their products to the Fire Reaction Laboratory of the Ministry, located in Rome Capannelle, they must do so only by certified mail to the address prev.omologazioni@cert.

Furthermore the relevant forms attached to the respective communication must be used.

It is undoubtedly a step forward in the long-awaited process of bureaucratic simplification. It is a pity that the same provisions are not valid for certification applications sent to authorized laboratories such as CATAS. In these cases the old paper forms must still be used and the documentation issued can notbe sent in digital form, neither by the manufacturers nor by the laboratories.

Applications for approval, extension and renewal of type approval must also be sent to the Home Office in paper form, pending the use of the pec-mail for these practices as well.

For info:
Franco Prete
+39 0432 747221