
27. 05. 2021


The BIFMA Compliant® mark

CATAS is qualified test lab for BIFMA Compliant®

BIFMA Compliant® is online! The registry of furniture products compliant to safety and durability requirements provided by BIFMA standards and the new BIFMA Compliant® mark which distinguishes compliant products, helping to clarify the market.
Who is BIFMA?
BIFMA is the American not-for-profit trade association for business and institutional furniture manufacturers, founded in 1973. BIFMA develops, maintains and publishes technical standards for determining the safety and qualifying the performance of furniture products, participating in the creation of international product standards for the sector, monitoring and influencing the application of national codes and training customers on the significance of standards and codes.

Given the wide range of options available on the market today and considering that in this special period many individuals are equipping their home offices, BIFMA has found a way to help all customers, including private citizens, to make safe purchasing decisions.
The BIFMA Compliant® Register is a resource for all buyers to quickly identify high quality products that comply with safety and durability standards.

What is BIFMA Compliant®?
In March 2021, BIFMA put online a registry of furniture products that meet the rigorous performance requirements defined by the BIFMA standards. These products receive the BIFMA Compliant® conformity mark which certifies their performance, safety and durability.

The registry is open to all producers world-wide, BIFMA members and non-associates alike. Those who want to join, submit their products to tests by a laboratory qualified by BIFMA (like CATAS!) and sign a formal agreement with the association.

Participants have the right to input their products in the registry, which can be consulted online, and can affix the BIFMA Compliant® brand on their products and marketing material.

What are the benefits of the BIFMA Compliant® program?
Manufacturers have the opportunity to validate their products by subjecting them to rigorous performance standards, gain visibility on the market and have a weapon to combat counterfeiting.

Why contact Catas?
Catas is a BIFMA member and a qualified laboratory to test the following products:
- seats (X5.1),
- desks (X5.5),
- storage furniture (X5.9),
- seats for large occupants (X5.11),
- lounge seats (X5.4),
- seats for occasional use (X6.4),

as well as to perform the following tests:
- reaction to fire, California Technical Bulletin TB 117;
- dimensional measurements on office chairs, ISO 24496;
- corrosion.

For information:
Paolo Balutto
+ 39 0432 747226