
28. 01. 2022


The product data sheet

In the last issue of our Newsletter, we have already dealt with the topic of “instructions for use” in the furniture sector; this month we will go into the specifics, talking about storage furniture, also giving you a practical example of a “product data sheet”.

First of all, however, we would like to remind you that the European Directive 2001/95/EC on the general product safety (GPSD) has as its main purpose to ensure that products placed on the market are safe. It is considered an “horizontal” directive: it sets the general scope and objective; each Member State must shall ensure its application by their own legislative tools.
In Italy, the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree No. 206/2005) is the Italian legislative tool that harmonises the regulations concerning the purchasing and consumption processes, in order to ensure a high level of protection for the safety and health of consumers on the national territory.
Within its Part II, which concerns education, information, commercial practices and advertising, Title II deals with the minimum content of information that must always be present in accompanying the product, including instructions for the use (read more ...). 

Interested in an example right now? Just click here!

For information:
Marco Indovina
+39 0432 747266