
28. 02. 2022


VOC Emissions: the M1 classification

Construction and furniture materials can contain dangerous chemicals that lead to significant health risks when these substances are released in significant quantities.
On more sensitive people, this can cause throat and eye irritation and difficulty breathing up to potential carcinogenic effects.

The determination of the release of these substances into the indoor air is measured by the VOC emissions test.
Various labels and regulations, both voluntary and mandatory, guarantee the quality of the indoor air: AgBB, French Regulation, EMICODE, M1 are just some of these.

CATAS was recently recognized as an authorized laboratory for carrying out valid tests for the M1 classification of volatile organic compounds.
The M1 classification is part of the Finnish voluntary indoor climate classification system and is published by the Finnish Society of Indoor Air and Climate (FiSIAQ).

The certification is intended for the design and construction sector as well as the building materials industry with the express purpose of contributing to the design and construction of ever healthier and more comfortable buildings.

As mentioned, the classification of emissions of volatile organic compounds is voluntary, but various associations of professionals and consumers, especially in the Scandinavian area, recommend that their members adopt the M1 classification to promote the healthiness of the air in living environments.

The verification required to obtain M1 certification involves the analysis of the following parameters:
- Emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC)
- Formaldehyde emission
- Ammonia emission

With the results of the laboratory tests, it will be possible, supported by CATAS, submit M1-application to obtain the Finnish certification.

More details are available at the following links:

For information: 
Daniele Bergamasco
+39 0432 747249
[email protected]