Who we are

Who we are

Since the foundation of Catas, more than 50 years ago, we have the safety and the quality of raw materials and finished products to our heart: every day in the operating centres of San Giovanni al Natisone (Udine) and Lissone (Monza) we carry out chemical analysis, physical and mechanical tests on raw materials, components and finished products of the wood, furniture and building industry. Thanks to our expertise and specialization we are considered the biggest European laboratory for testing and for applied research in the wood and furniture sector.

Our main activity areas
Laboratory tests.
Product certification.

Our Mission

We have always operated together with the companies of the wood and furniture industry, helping them to improve the quality and the reliability of their products, in favour of both the end users and the environment. We perform all tests with a high-level of competence, promoting innovation and also training our companies with dedicated courses and seminars.
We meet the specific demands of our customers by verifying that any material or product meets the requirements of the relevant technical standards. The tests are carried out according to European (EN), international (ISO) and national standards (UNI, DIN, BS, NF, ASTM, ANSI) or following specific tenders requested by the market.

CATAS numbers
10.000 m2 laboratory surface
More than 1.300 Catas Members
2 operating centres: San Giovanni al Natisone (UD) and Lissone (MB)
More than 50.000 test/year 
More than 50 experts: wood technicians, chemists, biologists, engineers, mathematicians and physicians