
01. 10. 2018


Catas alongside companies to respond to the Minimum Environmental Criteria

CATAS has collaborated in the drafting of the "Scheme of attestation of compliance with the minimum environmental criteria of the wood-furniture sector" and in this regard, in collaboration with the Technical Commission of Assufficio, has prepared a guide to facilitate companies in understanding the minimum environmental criteria CAM, required by the discipline of public procurement.
Such prescriptions derive from a synthesis between the normative dictate of the ministerial decree 11.01.2017 and the continuous updates available in the FAQ section on the website of the Ministry for the Environment and Territory.
CATAS's approach to CAMs is to combine the regulatory aspects with the more strictly operational ones, the latter subject to continuous updates, in any case trying not to burden companies with costs and procedures that are not strictly necessary.

What are CAMs.
The public procurement code provides for the use of environmental and energy sustainability criteria in public procurement contracts. CAM (Minimum Environmental Criteria) define the environmental criteria for the purchase of environmentally sustainable products and services and are foreseen by the European Commission that with the GPP, Green Public Procurement, has created the action plan for the sustainability of public consumption administration. The CAM currently in force are identified and can be consulted on the Ministry of the Environment website to which reference should be made for further details: CAM - Minimum Environmental Criteria.

For info:
Marco Righini
+39 0432 747258