
29. 02. 2024


Test on cabinets: how to compare the requirements?

The standards related to cabinets are basically of two types: those that describe the test methods and those that define the requirements.
In some few cases the standard which describes the test methods is the same that defines the requirements too.

The standard that defines the requirements generally varies according to the intended use of the product, as listed below: 
  • the EN 14749 and UNI 11663 for domestic use;
  • the ISO 7170 both for domestic and non domestic use; 
  • the EN 16121 both for non domestic and office use(*)
(* Discover all updates of the standard at: Storage furniture for non-domestic use, new version of EN 16121:2023).

Indeed, the reference test methods standards for cabinets are the following:
  • the EN 16122;

  • the ISO 7170.

The above standards provide for different loads, cycles and stresses which can be more or less intense by the application of the same test method. 
The question most frequently asked by our customers is to compare the stresses the furniture is subjected to using one requirement rather than another.

Here is the CATAS answer!   


Notes for the table consultation.
The grey columns list the standards of method, the white columns report the standards of resistance and durability requirements while the light-blue columns report the safety requirements. Blank cells indicate that the test is not applicable as it is not referred to in the relevant requirements standard.The summary table does not cover all the types of tables available on the market and does not report all the cases prescribe in the standards, so for a complete application of the same, please always refer to an accurate and thorough reading of the documents.

For information:
Maurizio Marussi
+39 0432 747225
[email protected]