

in: Seminars

26. 07. 2017


Testing and certification activities in the laboratory for furniture testing are now at full operation after the fire of the last December and the following efforts involving many different and complex operations.

The project of the new building, which will be completed by 2019 has also been recently presented.

in: Seminars

03. 08. 2017

ANTEPRIMA eventi del mese di Settembre

CATAS Academy: prendi nota degli appuntamenti di formazione tecnica del mese di Settembre.

in: Seminars

23. 06. 2017

The new furniture laboratory testing site accredited by ACCREDIA

Goal achieved in record time: the list of accredited standards for the new furniture testing laboratory is now available.

in: Seminars

12. 06. 2017

ERGONOMY DAYS: 27 - 28 -29 giugno

CATAS  e CLUSTER ARREDO presentano tre giornate di lavoro dedicate all'ergonomia applicata al tuo progetto di sviluppo prodotto.

in: Seminars

12. 05. 2017

New CATAS's board has been appointed

The shareholder's council has nominated the new board of CATAS.

in: Seminars

09. 01. 2017

CATAS Academy: an answer to the growing technical training demand in the wood and furniture industry.

Available on line the technical training programme that CATAS offers to companies and operators within the wood and furniture sector.

in: Seminars

10. 02. 2017

IL TUBOLARE IN ACCIAIO PER ARREDAMENTO: tipologie di applicazioni, casi reali, caratterizzazione e requisiti.

Venerdì 24 febbraio - ore14.00 Sede CATAS - Via Antica 24 - San Giovanni al Natisone

in: Seminars

03. 01. 2017

ERGONOMIA: come applicarla nella progettazione di prodotti e ambienti.

Mercoledì 18 Gennaio 2017 Sede CATAS - Via Antica 24 - San Giovanni al Natisone