
30. 11. 2023


The new standard on adult beds

After 25 years since its first publication and many wishes for necessary changes and improvements, the revision of EN 1725 “Domestic furniture. Beds and mattresses. Safety requirements and test methods” was finally approved by formal vote.
The standard, which was published under the new title EN 1725:2023 "Furniture. Beds - Requirements for safety, strength and durability”, will soon be transposed and made available by UNI.

EN 1725 applies to adult beds except for bunk beds, high beds and medical beds which are regulated by specific standards.
It will also apply to foldaway beds, but only in the bed function, thus excluding the opening and closing phases.
Compared to the 1998 version, the main changes are:
  • reference to the test methods of ISO 19833:2018;
  • addition of test methods with application of horizontal loads and forces;
  • addition of the test method for the durability of the electrically operated bed mechanism;
  • introduction of requirements for guest beds;
  • introduction of requirement for non-domestic use;
  • introduction of information for use;
  • addition of strength and durability requirements.
As can be seen, the document has undergone a significant revision and introduces many new elements, both in the stresses covered by the tests and in extending the verifications and requirements to beds that were not covered by the previous version.
The standard recalls ISO 19833 as the test method (here is the link for further information on this standard: and defines, in addition to the safety requirements, the loads and cycles to be applied, differentiating them in relation to the final destination of the product (domestic or non-domestic).
Compared to the first version, the verifications concerning general safety requirements have been detailed, such as the possible compression point or entrapment of fingers or hands generated by moving parts or by the application of the user's own weight on the product during use.
The verification of the potential risk of entaglement hazards , a requirement applicable to beds in which a cord, pull or loop is used to lift and close the bed base, was included.
Finally, information for use has been included which, similarly to the other standards in the furniture sector, must be provided in the official language of the country in which the bed is sold.
We will soon inform you about the date of a webinar to discuss the topics covered by the new version of EN 1725:2023.

For info:
Alberto Gelosa
+39 039 464567
[email protected]