
in: Seminars

24. 03. 2021

Webinar "Uncertainty and decision rule"

Thursady 8th April 2021. Italian language.

in: Seminars

02. 03. 2021

Webinar "La norma EN 1335-1: focus sui punti caldi"

Appuntamento via web giovedì 18 marzo dalle ore 14.00.

in: Standard updating

26. 02. 2021

The EN 1335-1:2020 standard

Towards the solution of some critical points.

in: Seminars

11. 02. 2021

Webinar “I pannelli a base legno per l’arredo: dalla destinazione d’uso alla scelta”

Dalla destinazione d’uso alla scelta.
Appuntamento giovedì 25 febbraio ore 14.00

in: Standard updating

28. 01. 2021

The new standards of the second half 2020

Find here the list of standards published by UNI during the second half of 2020.

in: Seminars

04. 01. 2021

Franco Bulian is the new CATAS managing director

Our best wishes to the new managing director and a huge thank you to Andrea Giavon!