
in: Seminars

04. 01. 2021

Il Manuale "L'incollaggio dei bordi"

Martedì 19 gennaio 2021: webinar di presentazione con gli autori.

in: Technical news

30. 10. 2020

Ladders for boats

Ad hoc CATAS test procedures to evaluate every kind of finished product.

in: Standard updating

13. 11. 2020

Breaking news by CARB

During unsafe conditions, the remote inspections are allowed.

in: Standard updating

30. 10. 2020

Work safety of furniture

How Catas assesses the compliance with the Italian law (DLgs 81).

in: Standard updating

30. 10. 2020

Assessment of the effect of light exposure

Upcoming change for the duration of the test.

in: Standard updating

30. 10. 2020

Outdoor benches

The latest UNI 11306 revision.

in: Technical news

29. 09. 2020

Avoid entrapping risks

Technical guidelines to reduce them.

in: Technical news

29. 09. 2020

The wood-based panels “weight” in standardization

Requirements and technical specifications: the state of the art.