
in: Seminars

16. 09. 2021

"LCA - Life Cycle Assessment: nuove opportunità per l'arredo"

Via web on Thursday 30 September at 14.00 - Italian language

in: Technical news

30. 09. 2021

CAM criteria and Green Public Procurement

Catas takes part in the EU GPP STREAM project managed by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.

in: Seminars

30. 09. 2021


Pordenone, 12 - 15 October.
HALL 4 - Stand A9.

in: Seminars

16. 09. 2021

"LEVIGATURA: le fondamenta di una buona superficie”

Tuesday 28 September at 2 PM - Italian language

in: Standard updating

30. 07. 2021

Children’s mattresses

The new version of the EN 16890.

in: Technical news

30. 07. 2021

Water quality in laboratory testing

How to maintain it and why it is important.

in: Standard updating

30. 07. 2021

Formaldehyde in Canada

The new regulation is in force.

in: Seminars

20. 08. 2021

Selezione del personale Rif. n° 3_2021

CATAS ha avviato un processo di selezione del personale per n. 1 addetto ai Servizi Generali.

in: Technical news

29. 06. 2021

The CATAS digital reality

In the CATAS Finished Products Department digitalization is a fact.