
in: Technical news

23. 03. 2018

The hardness of coated furniture surfaces.

How to assess the surface hardness of a paint film: the point on the standardization work in progress.

in: Technical news

26. 03. 2018

Let’s shed light on CE marking of electrified furniture.

The main points from a recent seminar on the CE marking of electrified furniture.

in: Technical news

23. 03. 2018

New uses of wood.

From the research world, innovative processes of working and use of wood.

in: Seminars

20. 03. 2018

The new finished products department

The construction of the new Catas laboratory for furniture tests is fastly going on.

in: Seminars

08. 03. 2018

Seminario "Conoscere il parquet: problemi e soluzioni."

Mercoledì 28 marzo 2018 dalle ore 14.00 al Catas.

in: Technical news

23. 03. 2018

Novità in tema di emissioni in atmosfera.

Aggiornamenti in ambito normativo per gli stabilimenti che producono emissioni in atmsfera.

in: Technical news

23. 03. 2018

Novità in tema di gestione dei rifiuti.

MUD e SISTRI: le principali novità previste per l'anno 2018 in tema di gestione dei rifiuti.

in: Standard updating

20. 02. 2018

New equipment for corrosion test

A humidostatic corrosion chamber to carry out the EN 15570 test.

in: Seminars

22. 02. 2018

Seminario "Prodotti di arredo elettrificati"

martedì 6 marzo dalle 14.00 alle 16.00 a San Giovanni al Natisone

in: Technical news

21. 02. 2018


The furniture testing lab embraces the Industry 4.0.

in: Standard updating

20. 02. 2018

Emissions and new CAMs for building

The Decree of the Ministry of the Environment of 11.10.2017 approving the CAMs and the emission limits from the materials for wood furniture.

in: Technical news

15. 01. 2018

Test reports and counterfeiting

Are the CATAS digital test reports legally valid? And how is it possible to understand if they have been counterfeited?