
in: Technical news

20. 04. 2020

COVID 19 e adempimenti ambientali.

Nuove disposizioni e nuove scadenze per la gestione dei rifiuti in azienda in tempo di COVID.

in: Seminars

25. 03. 2020

Training in the wood-furniture sector, some good news….

The opportunities for education and training in the wood and furniture sector are growing up.

in: Standard updating

24. 02. 2020

Formaldehyde and compliance with the UBA German law

The new "CQA Formaldehyde" product certification scheme is ready.

in: Standard updating

25. 02. 2020

Strength and loading capacity of wall attachment devices

The updates introduced with the last revision of the standard EN 15939.

in: Technical news

25. 02. 2020

Wet adhesion testing: two devices under comparison

Results from an experimental study carried out in the lab.

in: Standard updating

27. 01. 2020

The revised standard on cribs

The new standard EN 1130:2019 on safety requirements for cribs has been published.

in: Technical news

25. 11. 2019

Playground surfaces and the critical fall height

An analysis of the materials in the sector, starting from the tests data recorded in the lab.

in: Technical news

25. 02. 2020

From sample reception to test report emission: how our customers can help us to optimize the lead time

How our customers can help us in order to optimize the lead time of the testing process.

in: Seminars

27. 01. 2020

Corso "Arredo infanzia: sicurezza e conformità dei prodotti"

Giovedì 20 febbraio, ore 15.00 c/o CATAS a San Giovanni al Natisone (UD).

in: Seminars

24. 01. 2020

Incontro “Gli adesivi nell’industria del mobile”.

Lunedì 17 febbraio, ore 17.30 a Brugnera (PN), in collaborazione con Federchimica- AVISA.